An Overview Of The Development Workshop


MVP Workshop

The first day of the workshop is all about how to create your minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP creates value for your business by allowing you to immediately release your product, gain revenue, and receive feedback from users.

During the workshop, we’ll teach you how to strip down your app idea into its simplest, barest version. We’ll prioritize the most important features of your app that will allow it to be functional and profitable. An MVP will allow you to fail early (yes, failure is necessary sometimes!) so that you can quickly receive feedback, diagnose problems as they arise, and launch an improved version of your app before anyone else does.

Business Development Strategy

The part of the workshop covers developing and establishing a business plan for your app. One of the biggest mistakes we see in app development is starting without a business plan. It’s easy to get carried away with your app idea and forget the practical things. But starting development without a plan can be problematic in the long-run.

A business plan is essential for any business to survive. Save yourself the stress and invest time in developing a business plan. In our workshop, we’ll help you create a business plan that’s clearly defined and comprehensive.

Cash Flow Projections

It’s a no-brainer that you need money in order to stay afloat in the business. Poor cash flow management leads to lack of funds to make investments, high interest payments, and increase in capital costs. If you’re just starting out in the mobile app business, there may be times when you run short of cash because you’re still perfecting your product and don’t have regular cash inflow.

This is why cash flow management is one of the most critical things every business owner must learn. At our Development Workshop, we will cover the essentials and techniques of good cash flow management.

  • Explore different financial options
  • Set up cash flow forecasts and a safety net
  • Learn how to allocate your budget properly
  • Be aware of financing alternatives specifically for businesses

Monetization Strategies

It seems simple: build your app, launch it, and make money. It would be great if it were that easy but, unfortunately, it’s not. Monetizing your app can be a complicated process that’s also one of the most critical parts of your business plan. Therefore, having a sustainable source of revenue from your mobile app requires a good monetization strategy.

Here are just some of the most common monetization models you can implement for your app:

  • Advertisement
  • Paid Download
  • Freemium
  • Subscription based
  • In-app Purchases
  • Sponsorships

Marketing Strategy

It’s important for your app to rise above its competitors in order to thrive and be successful in the buzzing app market. By creating an effective marketing strategy, it allows you to fully understand the scope and landscape of your app, audience, and market.

A marketing plan helps businesses map out their key objectives, identify opportunities and avoid potential roadblocks.. In this phase, we show you how to analyze the competition, potential users, key conversion points and

Pitch Deck: An amazing pitch deck will get you the right investors and sell your idea to the rest of the world.

We’ll show you the ins and outs of Pitch Decks that have resulted in Funded Products (, facts, and story to capture your investor’s attention.

Marketing Plan

A marketing plan covers information such as mapping out your target audience and planning how to get your message across to your desired market through different mediums. Just like how you plan in other aspects of your business, if you plot your marketing strategies ahead of time, your business will run smoothly and you’ll be able to reach more goals.

Executed correctly, your marketing plan can boost your business— good marketing leads to more customers, hence more profit. However, without a proper marketing plan, you may lose sight of your goals and get lost along the way. Failing to develop one can lead to several consequences— low lead generation, budget problems, and it can also lead the collapse of your business.

To avoid these problems, we’ll help you map out your marketing plan with concrete strategies for market and competitor analysis. From there, we’ll make use of the gathered information to create a marketing plan that’ll surely help your business grow.